Single and multi-family residential real estate appraisals are available in the Pennsylvania counties of Dauphin, Cumberland, Perry, Lebanon, Lancaster, York and Adams.

Company Profile
Appraisals by E.J. Koppenhaver was founded in 1992 with a commitment to quality, accuracy, integrity and first class service. We have never sacrificed these principals. We have grown as a result of this commitment to a well respected firm of six Pennsylvania Certified Residential Appraisers, one Broker Appraiser.
Membership is maintained in Central Penn Multilist Service, Keystone Multilist Service, York and Adams County Association of Realtors Multilist Service. In addition we maintain on line access to York, Adams, Dauphin, Lancaster, Lebanon, Cumberland and Perry County Courthouse records. On line data services enable us to obtain "same hour" service for deeds from Lancaster, Lebanon, Perry and York counties. We subscribe to on line services providing STEB (State Tax Equalization Board) Reports for all counties. We maintain personal as well a corporate membership in The Greater Harrisburg Association of Realtors, Lancaster County Association of Realtors, Lebanon County Association of Realtors and the York and Adams Counties Association of Realtors as well as the Pennsylvania Council or Real Estate Appraisers.